NonText Version

Speech Research Laboratory
AI. duPont Hospital for Children
and the
University of Delaware

SRL Main Page (text)

Info for Users (text)
Info for Clinicians (text)
Info for Researchers (text)

ModelTalker Speech Synthesizer

STAR: Speech Training, Assessment and Remediation (text)

Language and Speech

Newsletter (text)

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Info For Users


User Participation:

We are currently looking for individuals interested in testing the ModelTalker synthesis system. At this point, we are focusing primarily on people with ALS (Lou Gehrig's Disease) who have strong speaking voices. Users must have access to a PC with Windows 9/98/NT and a good quality sound card. At this point we are primarily focusing on people located in the Northeastern corridor of the United States between New York City and Washington DC, although other locations will be considered. Participants will receive software from their clinician, record a set of words and phrases, and then return the recordings to our laboratory. Participants will have as much time as they need to record the database of speech. Participants will receive no monetary compensation, but will receive the voice they created and will receive all software updates as they are produced. Participants, their families, and their clinicians will be expected to complete a user satisfaction survey both immediately after completing the voice, and one month after using their synthetic voice.

It is important to note that the ModelTalker synthesis system is still at the experimental stage, and user satisfaction is not guaranteed!

If you are interested in participating in this experiment, please contact your local clinic and ask them to contact us. If feasible, we would be happy to work with any interested clinic.