A SEMANTIC PARSER FOR UNDERSTANDING ILL-FORMED INPUT Kathleen McCoy, Patrick Demasco, Yu Gong, Christopher Pennington, & Charles Rowe Applied Science and Engineering Laboratories, University of Delaware and AI DuPont Institute (c) 1989 RESNA Press. Reprinted with permission. Abstract In this paper we explore the integration of natural language understanding techniques into augmentative communication devices. A semantic parser is described which takes a string of words (chosen from a word board) from the user and tries to identify a semantic interpretation of those words. One goal is to allow the disabled individual to input a compacted message (i.e., one containing mainly the content words of the desired utterance) and eventually have the intended message generated in full. This task requires that the utterance first be understood. Understanding is complicated because we expect the utterance to be largely ill-formed with respect to the normal syntactic rules of the language. The ill-formedness constraint has led us to develop a novel semantic parser which is driven by the possible semantic interpretation of the individual words in the input utterance. Introduction This work is part of the compansion project being done at the Applied Science and Engineering Laboratories at the University of Delaware and the AI DuPont Institute. The goal of the project is to allow the disabled individual to input a compressed message containing the content words of his/her intended utterance. The system will take this input, generate a semantic representation using natural language understanding techniques, and eventually generate a well-formed English sentence. A semantic processor of this type would also be useful in other applications such as a system which translates American Sign Language into English, or a word prediction system, or a system which checks the grammar of a written text. The semantic processor is concerned with creating possible semantic representations for the words input by the user. We have taken as our semantic representation a case-frame analysis of the sentence based on [2]. Thus the semantic interpreter must: identify the verb of the sentence, identify which constituent is playing the role of the actor, which is the object, instrument, to-location, from-location etc... Classically the process of constructing a semantic representation from some input words has been broken up into two phases [1]. In the first phase a grammar of English is used to generate the deep structure representation of the sentence. The assumption of this phase is that the sentence is syntactically well formed. Next, semantic rules are applied to this deep structure in order to generate the semantic representation. Due to the potentially severe syntactic ill-formedness of our user's input, this approach was not feasible. We have accordingly focused our efforts on understanding which does not rely on a syntactic phase [4]. Methods Our work is based on that of Small and Rieger [3] who designed a "word expert parser" which basically allowed each individual word in the input to contribute to the overall meaning of the sentence individually. However, the meaning of an individual word in isolation (i.e., the role it plays in the sentence) is ambiguous. For instance "John" may either play the role of an actor or an object in a sentence. The words in a sentence, however, are mutually constraining. Thus the words in a word expert parser may communicate with each other so that the correct interpretations can be identified. For instance, the verb "laugh" requires an animate actor and no object. Because of this, "John" must play the actor role with respect to the verb "laugh". We can think of the words in a word expert parser as working in a bottom-up fashion - each individual word is declaring what role it can play and all of the words are trying to fit together into a well-formed semantic structure. In our system we augment this bottom-up processing with a top-down component which uses more specific semantic structures (associated with domain contexts) which look for words to fill their roles. In our system, groups of words which naturally occur together in conversation are divided into contests. A particular word may occur in more than one context and may contribute a different meaning in each. For instance, the word "Boston" might be associated with the "airline flight" context as well as with the "city government" context. The "flight" context contains rules that say that "Boston" can fill the role of either TO-LOC or FROM-LOC. On the other hand, rules in the "city government" context might allow "Boston" to fill the ACTOR role (as in "Boston instituted a law making it illegal to..."). In order to implement different words contributing different meaning in different contexts, associated with each specific context is a set of semantic rules whose preconditions specify specific words. The actions of the rule will build pieces of semantic representations for the word which are specific to the particular context. The semantic rules serve the purpose of bottom-up interpretation of the input sentence in each specific context. In addition to the context adding different interpretations of the individual words, each context has associated with it expectations (which we call frames) about an overall semantic structure for a sentence in that context. These semantic structures may be more specific than a general semantic structure. For instance, in the flight domain, to and from locations must be cities with airports (while they may generally be any place). The frames associated with a context "look" for words in the input which can fill their roles. They serve to further disambiguate the role played by particular input words since they specify constraints on the role fillers imposed by the domain (e.g., in the flight domain Newark, Delaware must not normally be a to or from location since it doesn't have an airport). In order to take advantage of the frames and specialized word meanings associated with a context, the context of the sentence as a whole must be identified. The sentence context is determined by taking (something like) the intersection of the contexts of the individual words. That is, we choose that context which every word of the input utterance is a part of. The sentence context lends a top-down orientation to the semantic processing by identifying a set of frames which are basically skeletons of semantic structures. Each frame corresponds to a possible final semantic structure for a sentence under the context. The semantic interpretation for the individual words must be fit into the frames for the specified sentence context(s). Conclusions In this work some natural language processing techniques have been applied to the design of an augmentative communication device. Our goal is to speed up the communication rate of the user by allowing him/her to type in a very sparse, ill-formed message. Our system first attempts to "understand" the input by creating a semantic representation and then "generates" syntactically well-formed sentences. The semantic processor is innovative in that it does not rely on syntactic clues. We expect this aspect of the system to be particularly useful in cases where the user has limited or diminished linguistic skills. Instead the processor operates in a bottom-up fashion combining possible semantic interpretations of the individual input words into a semantic structure. At the same time, it works top-down from skeletons of semantic structures associated with the domain context. Acknowledgments This work is supported by Grant #H133E80015 from the National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research. Additional support has been provided by the Nemours Foundation. References [1] Allen, J. Natural Language Understanding. Benjamin/Cummings, CA, l987. [2] Fillmore, C. J. The case for case reopened. In P. Cole and J. M. Sadock, editors, Syntax and Semantics VIII: Grammatical Relations, pages 59-81, Academic Press, New York, 1977. [3] Small, S. and Rieger, C. Parsing and comprehending with word experts (a theory and its realization). In Wendy G. Lehnert and Martin H. Ringle, editors, Strategies for Natural Language Processing, 1982. [4] Wilks, Y. Does anyone really still believe this kind of thing? In K. Sparck Jones and Y. Wilks, editors, Automatic Natural Language Parsing, pages l82-l89, Ellis Horwood Limited, 1983. Contact Kathleen McCoy Dept. of Computer and Information Sciences University of Delaware Newark, De. 19716